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4 Quickest Ways to Lose a Cruise Ship Injury Case

Cruise Ship Injury Case

If you’re injured on a cruise ship, it’s important that you take the appropriate actions to get the justice and compensation you deserve.  This video highlights the four quickest ways you can lose your maritime legal case.

Here are the 4 quickest ways to lose a cruise ship injury case:

1. Failing to Get Proper Evidence

It can be difficult to remember to take photos and gather witnesses and crew member names, but you need them to win your case.  You need to get the evidence when it’s fresh.

2. Sink Your Own Battleship

Many people are embarrassed after they fall.  They don’t report it even if the crew was clearly at fault.  Another common thing is for people to minimize their injury.  Don’t do that.  You will badly hurt your case.  Go to the ship’s doctor and tell them everything that hurts.  Don’t leave out any possible injury.  Don’t accept any blame and don’t apologize.

3. Procrastination Kills

Most cruise lines require you to send a notice of claim within 6 months of your injury.  You must then file your injury case within 1 year of the injury.  This is an exceptionally short amount of time.  Time is your enemy.  Compare a typical 4-year timeline to sue for car accidents to a 6 month time period to file a notice of claim, and only 1 year to file the cruise injury case.  If you wait, you lose.

4. Never Hire a Lawyer Outside of South Florida

Almost every cruise line requires you to bring your case to southern Florida.  If you don’t have a lawyer with an office close to the federal court in the southern district of Florida, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice.  Hiring a lawyer outside of south Florida is the fastest way to lose your cruise ship case.

If you need help with an injury you’ve sustained on a cruise ship, contact LaBovick Law Group.  We’re qualified and licensed to file and win your cruise ship injury in South Florida.  Don’t make the mistake of waiting, this could drastically impact your case and reduce the likelihood of you winning your case.

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