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Can you handle my case virtually during the Coronavirus pandemic?

April FAQ 2 Labovick Law Group

Can you handle my case virtually during the Coronavirus pandemic?

Rest assured, even during these trying times, LaBovick Law Group is fully equipped and ready to handle your legal matter, completely virtually!

– We have the state-of-the-art technology needed, making us ready and able to complete our legal mission, even if we need to send our entire workforce home. We can work 100% remotely. All our computers, files, programs and even our phone handsets can be controlled from our homes!

– We can complete interpersonal meetings using group teleconferencing, which works with your iPhone, Android phone or Google phone.

– We can send all the necessary documents right to your cell phone, where you can sign off electronically. We created this capacity a few years ago for increased speed and lower costs, and in turn, get more money for our clients — but this technology will be vital during a pandemic!

Our technologies allow us to handle your legal case from start to finish, without any human-to-human contact. We look forward to a time when we get back to face-to-face meetings without valued clients, but during this national emergency due to COVID-19, serving our clients virtually is a privilege we don’t take lightly!

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