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How to Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits with Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer | Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits | LaBovick Law Group

June is prostate cancer awareness month. Similar to breast cancer, prostate cancer is becoming more and more common among older adult males. In fact, it is estimated that approximately one out of every six males develops prostate cancer in their lifetime. As with most cancers, some forms of prostate cancer may be mild, while others may be severe to the point of life-threatening. The earlier prostate cancer is detected, the better the chances are of treating cancer. If you are one of the unfortunate few where detection was found very late after cancer had spread, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. Prostate Cancer | Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits | LaBovick Law Group& Diaz

If you are in the advanced stages of prostate cancer, you may automatically qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. Automatic qualification may fall under one of two categories. The first would be a compassionate allowance, while the second would be under one of Social Security’s listings. A compassionate allowance is a condition that the Social Security Administration has deemed so severely that if you are diagnosed with it, then you will be found automatically disabled. Prostate cancer’s compassionate allowance requirements can be found in the Program Operations Manual System (POMS) at DI 23022.282. This regulation requires recurrent or metastases of the condition. To prove recurrence or metastases, you will need to provide the Social Security Administration with diagnostic testing such as a biopsy, blood test, MRI, or CT scan.

If you do not meet the requirements for a compassionate allowance, there is always the option of qualifying under one of Social Security’s listings of conditions. The listing for prostate cancer is 13.24. This listing requires proof of stage IV prostate cancer that has spread to the lung, liver, or another internal visceral organ. Or, you can prove the condition is progressive or recurrent despite initial hormonal therapy.

If you fall into the category of suffering from advanced prostate cancer, it’s like you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits and you should apply for those benefits immediately. The process for obtaining Social Security Disability benefits can oftentimes be long and cumbersome. The earlier you get your application started, the better. Applying for these benefits is as easy as calling the LaBovick Law Group for a free consultation. We will handle your application from the very beginning, obtaining immediate attention from the Social Security Administration to have your claim fast-tracked through the process.

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