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Labovick Law Group: MVA Recovery Program

Partner with Labovick Law Group Today and Join The Warriors For Justice Referral Network!

Attention all Personal Injury Attorneys, Workers Compensation attorneys, Social Security Disability Attorneys and Healthcare Attorneys, doctors throughout the State of Florida, cash in on your relationship with medical providers throughout the State of Florida.

Your Office Stands to Receive Significant Referral Fees

Understanding PIP revenue and its complex relationship between health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare and other types of insurance is a specialized legal field. The LaBovick Law Group has an experienced insurance law legal team that maximizes PIP revenue and ensures our referring attorneys receive a significant referral fee. You will receive a referral fee on every claim you send us that turns into a lawsuit. We don’t back down from any issue/insurer. We maximize PIP revenue for all of our medical providers throughout the entire State of Florida.

You May Have “PIP” Claims Sitting In Your Office

Your office may have thousands of “PIP” claims that you were unaware of. That’s certainly the case for personal injury attorneys and potentially Workers Compensation attorneys. Every personal injury client that walked into a doctor’s office in connection with a motor vehicle accident has a possible “PIP” lawsuit. If the “PIP” insurer was billed, we will collect the required documentation and get to work.

Healthcare attorney certainly has clients that bill PIP. We can review their files to determine if they have PIP claims to pursue. The best part of the referral relationship is that we do not need the patient’s consent to file suit if he/she signed an assignment of benefits. The medical provider has all of the patient’s rights under the PIP law and motor vehicle insurance policy.

Social Security attorneys may work with PIP providers through their social security clients. Regardless of specialty, cash in on these relationships and earn referral fees!

How Does The PIP Process Work?

Your client would have assigned his/her benefits to the medical provider, giving the doctor the right to collect PIP benefits from the PIP insurance carrier and to ultimately file a PIP lawsuit. The medical provider effectively “stands in the shoes” of your client from a PIP perspective.

5 Year Look-Backs-Reviews

We have the ability to go back five years and review EACH AND EVERY file in which the medical provider has billed PIP. Whether or not the doctor has utilized a previous attorney is irrelevant, we guarantee to find old MVA revenue. HOW? We don’t cherry-pick-we’ll take both the easy and difficult claim to ensure all PIP revenue is maximized.

Most Doctors In Florida Already Know The Game And Bill Pip

Why Go Anywhere Else? Labovick Law Group Is Your “Go-To” For Pip

Most doctors bill Personal Injury Protection insurance carriers in Florida and they need a team of warriors for justice to maximize their PIP collectibles. Since 1998, the LaBovick Law Group has maximized motor vehicle accident revenue for hospitals and medical providers throughout the State of Florida. The LaBovick Law Group created specialized software to maximize PIP revenue to automate the PIP claims process. We send our doctor clients and our referral attorneys detailed monthly reports of the claim status and the recorded revenue that LaBovick Law Group collects. We utilize HIPPA compliant methodologies to ensure claims are safely uploaded and processed in an expedited manner. The LaBovick Law Group has a dedicated client relations and business development team that will contact your referral doctor and retrieve the necessary documents to begin the “PIP process.”

How We Do It

We will collect the requisite documents from the doctors you refer us. We simply ask that you make the introduction to the doctor group and allow us to “take it from there.” We have represented and currently represent an array of medical providers throughout Florida such as hospitals, chiropractors, physical therapists, orthopedic physicians, emergency medical service providers/etc. We litigate all issues under the PIP statute from underpayments to material misrepresentations.

Next Steps

We send demand letters to insurance carriers requesting full PIP payment prior to filing lawsuits. If the insurer refuses to pay on “demand”, we’ll file a lawsuit immediately.

Zero Costs/ Doctors Keep 100% Of Benefits

It’s important to note that your referrals (doctors/hospitals/clinics) will pay zero in costs for this process, and they keep 100% of the PIP Benefits. We are paid by the PIP insurance carrier. It’s low-risk, high-reward for both your referral doctors and your law firm. Your office will receive a referral fee for every claim that turns into a PIP lawsuit and your doctor referral will receive the full amount of PIP benefits.

Call The Warriors For Justice At Labovick Law Group

Call today for a free consultation to discuss joining LaBovick Law Group’s PIP referral network. We ensure full referral fees paid on every PIP lawsuit we file. Every claim that gets to our office has the potential of turning into a valuable PIP lawsuit. You may have valuable PIP claims sitting in your office right now. It’s important to call us immediately to discuss partnering up with the PIP attorneys at LaBovick Law Group to earn significant referral fees!

Our Pip Process To Maximize Revenue And Referral Fees

    We will formulate a PIP strategy to maximize all motor vehicle accident revenue.
    We pursue 100% of every PIP claim to ensure 100% maximum MVA recovery.
    LLG provides detailed monthly reports of the claim status and the recovered revenue.
    Many Medical provider clients see pre-suit payments within 35 days, and we’ll file suit and resolve PIP claims and send you significant referral fees within a few months of receiving the claim.

Who Are We? We Are The Warriors For Justice Labovick Law Group Pip Team Consisting of:

  • Barry Aronin, Esq. – Director of Insurance Litigation
  • Jenn Hadrava – PIP Paralegal
  • Kimberly Gurley – PIP Paralegal
  • Lorraine Bumgardner – PIP Litigation Legal Assistant
  • Samantha Nicosia- PIP litigation Legal Assistant

Pip Client Relations/Business Development Team:

  • Liliana Davidson-Manager of Business Development and Client Relations
  • Katie Day-Administrative Assistant
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