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Should I File a Workers’ Compensation Case if the Claim is Denied?

Insurance companies are in the business of claim denial and claim delay. These companies attempt to save money in the short term by rejecting claims based on weak defenses.

Oftentimes the employer won’t report an accident for months to avoid paying Workers Compensation treatment and lost wage benefits. However, regardless of the situation, DO NOT become a victim of the system. Report, Document and File. Our three step system will ensure our experienced Florida Workers’ Compensation attorneys are able to litigate and resolve your case successfully.

1) Claim Denial is not always correct

Employers get in the wrong all of the time. They rely on statements from co-workers and supervisors. In some cases, witnesses may fabricate the story to save their company’s premiums from increasing. You must continue to fight the “good fight” and call our experienced Florida Workers Compensation Attorneys. We’re on call 24-7 to advise you of your next move. We file documents to secure medical care and lost wage benefits for you. We fight insurance companies on a daily basis whether or not they deny or delay your claim. Make sure to report first and ask questions later. The Florida Workers Compensation attorneys at LaBovick Law Group will fill in the gaps and get your “side of the story” to the other side as soon as we start litigating.

2) Denial does not mean the END!

Denial does not close your case. You may still pursue lost wages and medical benefits if the adjuster chooses to deny the claim. A denial should motivate you to call our experienced Florida Workers’ Compensation attorneys to discuss the next step. Our next step involves utilizing tactics to convey the required accident information to the insurance carrier. This information may open all available benefits under the Florida Workers Compensation system. Regardless, we’ll fight for the benefits denial or no denial.

3) Always err on the side of FILING

File your Florida Workers’ Compensation case. Do not wait months until the insurance company decides to pay for medical treatment and lost wage benefits. Allow us to litigate to get the insurance carrier to overturn the denial. We file Petitions for Benefits for your treatment and lost wages. Allow us to secure what’s rightfully yours. Flimsy denials based on hearsay should not preclude your right to carrier-paid medical treatment.


It is essential for employees who are injured on the job to have a Florida Workers Compensation Attorney review all of their documents prior to filing a Florida Workers Compensation lawsuit. Our system is designed to do that seamlessly and effortlessly once we file your Workers Compensation lawsuit.

Our firm, the LaBovick Law Group has proven, time and time again, to spearhead the attack on insurance companies who mislead injured workers and act against their obligations on the Workers Compensation Law. We will not back down from a fight, even against a giant company like McDonald’s.

This message is for injured workers and Personal Injury Attorneys:  Give us a call. Let us prove our value!  Let us ensure medical and lost wage benefits for workers injured on the job.  We are available 24/7/365 for a call.  (561) 623-3681. Once we make contact I will provide you with my personal cell number so you always have access to a Workers Compensation attorney for questions on the fly!

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