Articles about PIP Claims & Collections

Garrison and State Farm Class Actions

A class action has been proposed against both State Farm and Garrison. Your medical practice may have claims for which action is required or your ability to recover funds could be lost. At this time, we are awaiting the Judges who are overseeing the Class Action lawsuits to accept the


Start off 2017 Fresh with a PIP Review

Many businesses hold annual conferences where they discuss goals for the New Year. These meetings are crucial for goal setting and budgeting. Medical providers rely on many sources of insurance from health to auto. Auto or PIP insurance is one if not the top source of reimbursement for medical providers.


One Step for Barry, A Giant Leap for Your PIP Claim

It has been an exciting few months for the LaBovick Law Group PIP Department! On July 30th, a Motion Barry Aronin filed against State Farm for impermissibly shorting PIP reimbursements to all Florida medical providers was granted in Broward County Court. The Judge executed order in his favor. What this means

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