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Start off 2017 Fresh with a PIP Review

Many businesses hold annual conferences where they discuss goals for the New Year. These meetings are crucial for goal setting and budgeting. Medical providers rely on many sources of insurance from health to auto. Auto or PIP insurance is one if not the top source of reimbursement for medical providers.  However, some medical offices are content waiting on the Personal Injury Protection Insurance company to “do the right thing” and pay either pursuant to the Medicare Fee Schedule or 80% of the charges. Historically, the PIP insurers have omitted payments to your practice potentially withholding thousands upon thousands of dollars! Yes, that’s correct, Thousands of dollars. It’s essential to start anew in 2017 and request LaBovick Law Group’s PIP team to complete a historical review of your PIP files to ensure you reach your monetary goals for 2017!


Our PIP audit team is able to “look back” 5 years at all of your Motor Vehicle files. We do so to ensure the PIP insurers have paid you correctly over the years. PIP Law is dynamic and ever-changing. A PIP insurance company may have paid you correctly in 2012 for Manual therapy, however, a landmark case may have been decided in 2016 ruling State Farm’s initial reimbursement for manual therapy was incorrect. State Farm may have paid your office per the Medicare Fee Schedule in 2012; however, due to the ruling in 2016, they now owe you 80% of your charges. This could lead to thousands of dollars due and owing. We have the capacity to calculate the correct amount owed to you regardless of the volume of files.


Our PIP audit team will travel to you! We conduct the review in the confines of your facility. We have proprietary software we use to capture your files for eventual demand. If your practice is completely paperless and you wish to electronically furnish your claims to our office that would also expedite the review process. Either way, the LaBovick Law Group’s PIP team ensures a quick and convenient review process.


Our office will send a formal demand letter to the PIP insurer demanding proper payment for the patient’s treatment. LaBovick  Law Group created proprietary claims tacking software that ensures all claims are tracked, inventoried, and that we file suit if necessary on the 31st day after the demand period. If the PIP insurer improperly, under, or unpaid after the above process, we file suit on your behalf with the insurance company.


LaBovick Law Group has litigated PIP claims for over twenty years. We truly know how to maximize recovery for your practice in an innovative and expedited fashion. We hold the PIP insurers to do the “right thing.” We’re zealous advocates for your Medical Practice. LaBovick Law Group’s mission is to ensure our clients met their goals for 2017. Insurance Companies strive to create headaches for everyone involved in the process; insureds, providers, etc. Large insurance corporations thrive on your acceptance of whatever monies they pay.  Our PIP review and litigation services truly make a difference regarding your bottom line.  Call us to schedule a review of your PIP and ensure every dime you are owed lands in your pocket!

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