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Were You In a Biking Accident? Here’s What You Need to Do!

Bike Accident attorney

Were you and your bicycle recently involved in a car accident? Are you unsure of what steps to take after the crash has occurred? If so, then you need to learn about what to do after a biking accident.

Believe it or not, the next steps that you take can play a vital role in building your case to get compensation. You need to be precise, considerate, and safe. Remember, worry about your health first, then the case later.

See below for an in-depth guide on what to do after a biking accident. Following these steps and contacting a bike accident lawyer can truly mean the difference between building a successful case and being unable to get the compensation you deserve. 

1. Check For Injuries First

As previously mentioned, the top priority after a bike accident or car accident is always to check on the health of everyone involved. 

First, check yourself for any injuries that you may have sustained. Give yourself a few seconds to collect your thoughts before making any sudden movements. Hopefully, your protective equipment was able to absorb most of the blow.

If your injuries are minor and you’re able to walk, then be sure to approach the other party involved and make sure the driver and passengers are all okay. 

Once you’ve ensured that everyone is safe or at least able to walk, get everyone on the outside of the road, away from the accident for safety purposes.

2. Contact Local Authorities

As soon as everyone is removed from harm’s way, be sure to call 911. Don’t ever assume that someone already has, you’re better safe than sorry.

Once you inform them that there was a car accident, the operator will request that a police officer be dispatched to your location. Also, take the time to inform them of any injuries that were sustained and whether an ambulance is needed.

It’s important to note that you, the other party involved, and all witnesses of the accident are legally required to stick around until the police officer arrives. The officer will file an official police report of the accident and gather statements from witnesses.

In fact, you might want to make a mental note to memorize the other party’s license plate as quickly as possible just in case they drive off. 

Regardless of who was at fault, be as civil as possible. Comply with everything the officer says once they arrive, answer their questions honestly, and try to remove emotion from the situation. The important thing right now is getting the facts straight.

3. Gather Contact Information

One of the most important things to remember whenever you’re involved in a bike accident is to gather as much contact information as possible.

First, start with gathering the contact info from the other party involved in the car accident. If there were multiple parties involved, you’ll want to get contact information from each, regardless of who was at fault.

Be sure to get their full name, the best number to contact, email address, car insurance information, driver’s license, and license plate number. You’ll also want to write down the make and model of which bike/car belonged to which contact.

Next, take the time to talk with all of the witnesses that stayed behind. Their stories are instrumental in setting a clear picture of your case, especially if you weren’t the one at fault.

Write down each witness’s full name, number, and email address. You’ll also want to ask them for their side of the story and write down a brief summary of what they say. This will be helpful info for your attorney when they go to build your evidence at a later date.

4. Compile Evidence at the Scene

Now that the police officer is at the scene and has started to sort things out, it’s time to shift your focus to building your case. 

Whether you were at fault or not, you’ll need to compile quite a bit of evidence, most of which can only be gathered at the initial scene of the bike accident. Once you leave the scene, the opportunity to get that evidence has sailed.

Start by taking as many photos as you can with your smartphone. Take pictures of the location of the crash, the damage on your bike and the other vehicles, the street signs, the time of day, the people involved, the witnesses, license plate numbers, and so on.

Also, if you find some free time between working with the police officer and them trying to wrap things up, pull out your phone’s Notes app.

Start writing down as many details of the crash as possible. What’s the last thing you remember before the crash? How did they hit you? Who was at fault? What lane were you in? These notes can help jog your memory when reiterating the story to your attorney.

5. Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you were involved in a bike accident, then you might be entitled to compensation for the injuries and damage that you sustained. 

Whether you were at fault or not, be sure to hire a personal injury attorney. They’ll have the experience and know-how to build your case and get the compensation you deserve.

Better yet, they can give you step-by-step instructions on how to approach the case to further your chance of winning.

Take the Correct Steps for Your Biking Accident

Now that you’ve seen all of the proper steps to take after a biking accident, you must follow them to a “T”.

Be sure to read this article for more information on safe driving tips to avoid car accidents in the future.

For more inquiries, please be sure to reach out via our contact us page and we will be happy to assist you further!

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