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Keep Your Certified Mail Receipts for your Personal Injury Protection

Medical Professionals: Hold on to your Certified Mail Receipts or a computer invoice at the least. Why? Certified Mail Receipts will ensure your practice dollars for unpaid Personal Injury Protection Claims. Do not lose out on a technicality. These mail receipts are your ticket to receiving Personal Injury Protection payments by the PIP insurer. Below is our suggested Best Business Practice concerning what to do at the time a bill is to be mailed:

1)            Retain the Certified Mail Receipt or at least a copy of one

  • At the least retain the certified mailing tracking number.
  • PIP insurers often deny claims citing a wrongful belief the bills were not mailed by your office. They will request proof of mailing including but not limited to the Claims form itself (HCFA-1500) alongside the envelope in which it was mailed.
  • We have litigated thousands of these proofs of mailing issues. We strongly suggest you keep at the minimum a copy of the certified mailing tracking number. Best practice includes retaining both the certified mailing receipt and the envelope.
  • However, we completely understand the envelope could in fact clog up your system and require tedious copying. In that case, the Certified Tracking Number alongside the HCFA claims form certainly works.

2)            Do not give up!

  • We are here to ensure you are correctly paid for your PIP claims, through litigation if and when necessary, to ensure maximum recovery. We will find you the money you have already conceded.
  • If you receive a denial for a Proof of mailing issue we will absolutely demand the claim. We will comply with the PIP statute and ensure the recovery of your bills.  A claim denial in the Proof of Mailing realm is generally incorrect. WHY?


1) The majority of Claims Adjusters DO NOT receive the bills when they first enter the PIP insurer’s building. Generally, a mailing representative will sort the mail and send the mail to the correct claims department.

2) How can a Claims Adjuster who does not receive the mail truly opine as to whether a bill was/not received on a certain date. Answer: Impossible! Unless they are in charge of receiving mail.

3) Nine times out of ten, the insurer fails to date/time stamp a bill. Thus, a claims/litigation adjuster certainly would not have personal knowledge as to when the bill arrived in the insurer’s office.

4) If a claim is submitted partially paid and a proof of mailing defense pops up, this is the insurer’s admission of failing to either realize A )a date/time when the bill arrived or B) different individuals are working on your file.

5) You are the best source of billing information-THE PIP INSURER IS NOT!

  • Why? Your office sends out the PIP bills to the PIP insurer. Retain your proof – i.e. bills, envelopes, certified mail receipts.

Store PROOF OF MAILINGS. They are extremely valuable pieces of information.  It is equally important to continue to fight, regardless of the PIP Insurer’s contentions. The PIP Insurer generally has no idea as to when bills are received.

Remember, file PIP claims but do not demand correct payment; the insurers will win. Insurance Companies strive to create headaches for everyone involved in the process: insureds, providers, etc. Large insurance corporations thrive on your acceptance of whatever monies they pay.  Proof of mailings and our PIP litigation services truly make a difference regarding your bottom line. Call us to schedule a review of your PIP and ensure every dime you are owed lands in your pocket!

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