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6 Things You Should Ask Your Car Crash Attorney

May LaBovick Law Group

6 Things You Should Ask Your Car Crash Attorney

If you end up in a situation where you need a car crash attorney, you want to make sure that you’re getting someone who knows what they’re doing.

If this is your first time dealing with any kind of legal trouble, you might feel out of your comfort zone. There are so many different kinds of lawyers, how do you know that you’re getting the right one for your situation?

Well, before you just go and search “personal injury lawyer near me” and pick the first one that pops up, consider this list of things that you should discuss with your potential attorney.

Make sure that you make the right choice!

1. Does the Attorney Have Good Reviews or Testimonials?

This can be something that you find out on your own (especially if you found your car crash attorney through word-of-mouth or the internet) but it can be a great thing to ask as well.

A good attorney likely has happy former customers. They should be able to provide glowing testimonials and references that show that this attorney knows what they’re doing and is able to make a successful case for you.

An attorney without any kind of visible client support is questionable. They might just be new, or they might protect client security, but it’s something to be a bit wary of. How can you know that they do good work? Can you take their word for it?

An attorney with a long list of happy clients should be happy to share this information with you. It only helps them to brag a bit.

2. Has the Attorney Worked on Similar Cases in the Past?

There are many different kinds of attorneys and they all have different focuses. Just because you found someone that’s in your general price range or who was willing to take on your case, doesn’t mean that they actually specialize in what you’re trying to do.

Ask your attorney if they’ve worked on cases that look exactly like (or similar to) the one that you’re presenting to them.

They should be able to give you examples even if the cases aren’t exactly the same. You just want to know that your attorney isn’t entirely out of their comfort zone. You wouldn’t want someone who had never dealt with a car crash before handling your case, right?

3. How Long Do They Anticipate the Case to Take?

Some cases can be long and drawn out. This is partially the nature of the legal system; things take time.

This is also partially in the power of the attorney.

How long do they usually take to get a case from start to finish? Does that time seem rushed to you, or too extended? Does it seem like enough time to accurately work on your situation?

Some attorneys are overworked and take on too many cases at once. This causes them to get behind on smaller cases and lag a bit. You want to know this ahead of time. Try to get an idea of time before agreeing to work with your attorney.

4. What (if Anything) Can Be Done to Improve Your Chances?

How involved do you want to be in the case?

If you want to be involved, asking your attorney how you can help is a great way to get ideas and insight into how the legal process is working.

Not all attorneys are interested in help from their clients. Asking, in this case, is still important because you’ll know when to get out of the way.

Make sure you’re on the same page about this before getting started.

5. Does Your Attorney Frequently Go to Trial?

Not all cases go to trial.

Some cases settle out (actually, a majority of cases settle out).

If this is important to you, asking ahead of time is a great idea. If you want to save yourself the trouble of going to trial, an attorney that almost never goes is a great choice. That said, an attorney should always be ready to go to trial.

An attorney who isn’t at least confident in their ability to go to trial (or who can’t make you confident in that ability) won’t necessarily have the best case built up for you. You want all of the possible information gathered just in case a trial comes up.

6. What Happens in the Case of a Disagreement?

You may not always see eye-to-eye with your attorney.

It’s possible that your attorney comes up with a resolution that doesn’t sit right with you. Maybe they want to settle and you’re not comfortable with that answer. Maybe they want to settle for a certain amount of money that isn’t appropriate.

You need to know ahead of time if they’ll be willing to bend to your wishes (or at least negotiate with you over what happens in your case) in the event of a disagreement.

In reality, many attorneys are going to know best when it comes to your case. That said, it is your case. You should have some say if you want it.

Are You Ready to Talk to a Car Crash Attorney?

If you’ve recently been in a car accident, finding a car crash attorney might be the next big step for you to take. It’s not always as easy as putting “attorney” in the search bar and picking the first one that shows up.

You need to know that you’re being represented by someone who can support you and your needs. Be sure to ask them questions ahead of time and don’t make any commitments until you’re comfortable.

To talk to an attorney today, reach out to us. You can contact us from our website today.

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