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Fibromyalgia and Social Security Disability: What You Need to Know

can you get disability for fibromyalgia

Understanding Fibromyalgia: A Deep Dive

What Exactly is Fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia, a complex neurological condition, predominantly manifests as widespread musculoskeletal pain throughout the body. Many wonder, “can you get disability for fibromyalgia?” given its debilitating nature. It is accompanied by other notable symptoms such as fatigue, decreased concentration, and memory issues. There’s a colloquial term, “fibro fog,” which describes the frequent memory lapses, challenges in concentration, and alertness that many fibromyalgia sufferers describe.

SymptomPercentage of Patients Affected
Musculoskeletal pain95%
Sleep disturbances75%
Memory issues (“fibro fog”)70%

For a more detailed overview on fibromyalgia, consider visiting the Mayo Clinic’s page on Fibromyalgia.

Coexisting Conditions

Interestingly, while fibromyalgia is not classified as an autoimmune or inflammatory disorder, it often coexists with autoimmune conditions. Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis are among the most common of these. This overlap can sometimes complicate diagnosis and treatment.

ConditionPercentage of Fibromyalgia Patients Affected
Rheumatoid arthritis30%
Sjögren’s syndrome15%
Thyroid disorders20%

Diagnosing Fibromyalgia: Modern Practices

Evolution of Diagnostic Procedures

Years ago, a “trigger point” test was a primary diagnostic tool for fibromyalgia. However, the medical community, led by the American College of Rheumatology in 2016, moved away from this method. For more on the updated diagnostic criteria, see the official diagnostic criteria document. Now, for a fibromyalgia diagnosis, patients must report pain in at least four of the five designated body regions lasting for a minimum of three consecutive months.

Treating Fibromyalgia: Available Options

Managing Symptoms

While there is no known cure for fibromyalgia, advancements in medicine have brought about treatments that effectively manage its symptoms. The FDA has approved certain medications, including duloxetine, milnacipran, and Lyrica. For a list of approved treatments, see the FDA’s guidance. In specific cases, doctors might prescribe antidepressants or gabapentin, which have shown efficacy in pain management for some patients.

DuloxetineAntidepressant, pain management
MilnacipranAntidepressant, pain management
Lyrica (Pregabalin)Anti-seizure, pain management
GabapentinAnti-seizure, pain management
AmitriptylineAntidepressant, used off-label

Fibromyalgia and the Quest for Social Security Disability Benefits

Impact on Work Capability

The debilitating nature of fibromyalgia often impacts an individual’s ability to maintain regular work duties. As symptoms worsen, consistent employment can become untenable, prompting many to seek Social Security Disability benefits as a lifeline.

Navigating the Eligibility Maze

To qualify for these benefits, particularly Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), one must meet certain criteria. Eligibility hinges on a documented work history, tax payments, and accumulating enough quarters of coverage. Additionally, the fibromyalgia condition should either have lasted or be anticipated to persist for a minimum of one year or is expected to result in death.

Application Assessment by the Social Security Administration

When applying, be prepared to undergo a meticulous five-step evaluation process by the Social Security Administration. This process entails:

  1. Determining your current employment status.
  2. Gauging the severity of your impairment.
  3. Comparing your condition against a preset list of automatically disabling conditions.
  4. Assessing your capability to undertake past work roles.
  5. Evaluating if you can perform any other kind of employment.

Ensuring a Successful Disability Claim for Fibromyalgia

The Role of Medical Documentation

For your application to be successful, consistent medical documentation is paramount. The Social Security Administration will meticulously review your medical records, the medications you’ve been prescribed, diagnostic tests undergone, and any other relevant clinical information.

Seeking Expert Assistance: Contemplating seeking Social Security Disability benefits for fibromyalgia?

It’s highly advisable to have seasoned professionals guiding you. For instance, LaBovick Law Group, with its vast experience, offers free evaluations and boasts a commendable success rate in securing Social Security Disability benefits for their clients.

For more comprehensive advice tailored to your situation, reach out to a seasoned Social Security Disability Lawyer at LaBovick Law Group at (561) 625-8400 for a free case evaluation. Ensure your rights and potential benefits are thoroughly protected.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you get disability for fibromyalgia?

Yes, it’s possible to obtain disability benefits for fibromyalgia, but certain criteria and documentation are necessary.

How much disability do you get for fibromyalgia?

The amount varies based on individual cases, work history, and severity of symptoms. It’s best to consult with a legal expert to understand potential benefits.

Is fibromyalgia considered a disability for social security?

Yes, fibromyalgia can qualify as a disability under Social Security, provided the specific criteria are met.

How can I ensure the success of my fibromyalgia disability claim?

Regular medical documentation, adherence to prescribed treatments, and consulting with experts in disability claims are recommended steps.

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