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Are We Close To A Cure For Multiple Sclerosis? New Study Brings Hope!

This new treatment could be a huge stride towards finding a cure for MS. In this study, 24 Canadians suffering from MS were given an aggressive form of chemotherapy, which was then followed up by a stem cell transplant. The idea behind the study is to destroy the current immune system which is attacking the central nervous system. Then rebuild the body’s immune system with healthy cells from a stem cell transplant.  The patients studied ranged from 18-50 years old with symptoms ranging from moderate to severe. In 23 of the patients, this treatment halted continued attacks on the central nervous system without the requirement of medications. This type of treatment is very aggressive and comes with multiple risks. It is not suitable for everyone. If you would like to know more about the treatment and whether you are a good candidate you should reach out to your neurologist.

If you suffer from moderate to severe symptoms of multiple sclerosis, in addition to seeking advice from your neurologist regarding this new treatment, you should also be applying for Social Security disability benefits. As indicated previously, this condition is unique to each individual. No one person exhibits the same type of symptoms and of the same severity. However, if you are exhibiting symptoms that prevent you from working a full-time job you should be applying for Social Security disability benefits. If you are found medically disabled by the Social Security Administration you will be eligible for not only a monthly check but also for health insurance in the form of Medicare.

Steps to Apply for Social Security Disability:

  1. The first step you should take when applying for Social Security disability benefits is contacting an experienced disability attorney. Multiple Sclerosis is a unique condition that when presented properly to the Social Security Administration, could see favorable results sooner rather than later. Working with a disability attorney will ensure the best possible case is presented at the beginning stages which can ultimately reduce your wait time to receive SSD benefits.
  2. After hiring an attorney, the next step will be to submit your initial application for disability benefits. When submitting your application, it is helpful to gather all pertinent medical records surrounding your condition. This does not mean every single medical record over the duration of your life. The pertinent medical records would include when you were first diagnosed with MS and also records indicating limitations resulting from your symptoms. When you apply for Social Security disability benefits, the Social Security Administration will perform a medical review of your records to determine what your functional limitations are. Essentially, they ask the question of what is the most you are functionally capable of doing on a full-time basis in spite of your symptoms. SSA is tasked with obtaining copies of all of your pertinent medical records. However, you may be able to speed up the process by providing the administration with copies of your medical records.
  3. The next step in applying for benefits is reaching out to your treating provider. The reason I suggest reaching out to your treating doctor is that they will be in the best position to advise SSA what your functional limitations are. A note from your doctor specifically outlining your functional limitations, along with your medical records supporting those limitations, can help speed the process along.
  4. The final step in applying for social security benefits is to comply with every request the administration makes. Throughout this process, SSA will ask you to complete multiple forms including questionnaires and providing a list of witnesses. The best practice to follow is to be as helpful and forthcoming with the administration as possible. If you fail to fill out a form SSA sends you the administration will use that as a way to deny you benefits.

When filling out the questionnaires, you should remember to fill them out based on your bad days…not good days. If you suffer from this condition I do not need to remind you that you have periods of remission or times when you are not exhibiting symptoms. You should fill out all forms describing the days when you ARE exhibiting symptoms of this disorder. Another tip when completing this paperwork is to write in the notes section of the form how long it actually took you to complete the form, and whether anyone helped you complete the paperwork.

Filing for Social Security disability benefits is extensive and oftentimes stressful. Working with an experienced disability attorney can help relieve the stress of the application, along with the stress of submitting a perfected claim. Your disability attorney will file your claim, reach out to your treating doctors, and work one on one with the social security administration. And most importantly, your attorney will develop a winning legal theory for your claim.

At LaBovick Law Group, we take pride in providing the best possible representation for our clients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. When you call, you will receive a free case evaluation. You will also receive the peace of mind that your claim will be argued as strongly as possible.

Call us today for a free consultation at (561) 623-3681.

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