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How the LaBovick Law Group is working through the pandemic

LaBovick Law Group Webinar

Join Brian LaBovick as he shares how the LaBovick Law Group is working through the pandemic

As a leader, there are many difficult decisions I’ve had to make during this coronavirus crisis. Whether or not to keep pushing forward and make progress in my law firm was not one of them. That answer was obvious.

If you’re like me, if you see opportunity all around — and are serious about capitalizing on it — I’d like to invite you to an incredible online event happening Thursday, April 30 at 3 PM ET.

“How to Capitalize & Gain Market Share…While Your Competitors Pull Back” is hosted by my good friend Michael Mogill, whose expertise has made a huge impact on my firm’s success.

In this exclusive live intensive, Michael will be sharing EVERY strategy he’s been employing to get ahead during the coronavirus crisis — and how you can seize this opportunity in your law firm as well. You’ll learn:

Best tactics to make MORE progress in your organization during the crisis than before the pandemic hit
The hidden opportunities available to your firm (and how to capitalize on them)
What top growth-minded firms are doing now that most are missing out on
Exactly how to position your firm to emerge from this experience ON TOP while your competitors fall behind
And MUCH more…

Availability is limited and filling up fast, so if you’d like to join me in the (virtual) room, lock in your spot now.

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